Potato market

Potato Market Partnership

Potato market partnership : 30,000 farmers benefit

In July 2022 a four year potato market partnership has been formalised between Yara, Bayer, Co-operative Bank, Simplifine and Agrico PSA. By 2026, 30,000 potato farmers in Kenya will benefit from this partnership, improving their yields by more than 50 per cent and reducing post-harvest losses by at least 50 per cent, thereby delivering prosperity for farming communities. Key gaps will be addressed including agronomy, commercial and digital knowledge and access to finance.

Yara provides access to crop nutrition solutions, Agrico PSA delivers the potato seed varieties and Bayer provides its crop protection solutions. Co-operative Bank of Kenya will provide affordable financing options for the farmers to ensure timely access to quality inputs. Finally Simplifine provides market access for the financed farmers by buying their produce.

It goes without saying that all partners acknowledge boosting farmers’ potato income to be our key success factor and we act accordingly. By improving farmer income, we directly impact various UN sustainable development goals and we make a significant contribution to Kenya’s Big Four Agenda. More information can be found in Standard Media and on KTN News .

potato off-takers