50000 Kenyan potato farmers are partnering with Agrico PSA

Kaituyu On Site Training 3


Agrico PSA is proud to communicate another impressive milestone reached: now over 50,000 Kenyan potato farmers are digitally partnering via our Facebook page! PSA’s Facebook page has evolved into a platform where potato knowledge is shared between Kenyan farmers, connections between farmers and off-takers are supported and value chain developments are shared.

From the very beginning we have been aware we should take the lead in supporting Kenyan potato farmers to collaborate and to share potato knowledge in the most efficient manner. Taken the large number of Kenyan potato farmers – some 800,000 – we were aware of our physical limitations. That was the reason we were convinced we also needed to use modern digital means in order to communicate in an efficient manner. Taken the high use of mobile phones in Kenya and the popularity of Facebook in our target market, we decided to create Agrico PSA’s Facebook page.

In the beginning we mainly used it as a means to inform potato farmers on our value chain developments. Later our Facebook page was also used to provide updates on our various potato trainings. Almost automatically farmers started to use it as a means to ask us practical potato farming questions, which we then answered. In a way our Facebook page evolved into a knowledge platform. That made us decide to also use our Facebook page as a means to distribute our potato training videos to farmers. This way we enabled them to find all the answers to the question they may have and / or to see the specific training video as much as they would like. Coincidentally this decision also enabled us to keep on educating Kenyan potato famers during the COVID-19 period with all its travel and physical contact limitations. In addition to knowledge transfer, we also started to use our Facebook page as a platform where farmers and off-takers are able to establish direct connections between themselves.

50,000 kenyan potato farmers are partnering with Agrico PSA

Over the years the popularity of our Facebook page kept on growing rapidly. Hence we felt the need to create a social media team that is doing its utmost best to follow up on the numerous questions and remarks posed. You can imagine that with our milestone of 50,000 followers it is quite a challenge to facilitate the questions from all these Kenyan potato farmers!

Although the far majority of our followers consist of Kenyan potato farmers, also potato farmers from surrounding countries are following PSA, as well as various actors from the potato value chain, public and private sector. If you are also interested in the Kenyan potato value chain, we kindly invite you to become part of our Kenyan potato community